Employee Screening
According to OSHA infection control rules, current and new employees at health care facilities with a baseline positive or newly positive test result or with documentation of previous treatment for TB disease should receive one chest x-ray result to exclude TB disease. These employees should receive a symptom screen annually and should be educated on the symptoms of TB disease and instructed to report any symptoms immediately to the occupational health unit.
Since many facilities cover the cost of employee chest x-rays, PPX has developed a program for assisting the occupational health units with fulfilling the requirements for chest x-rays for employees at a nominal charge. There is no need to refer employees to outside clinics and carry the higher cost. And you will receive the final report much faster than you otherwise would by using other portable x-ray providers or outside clinics. Our program is particularly convenient for new employee hires as PPX will perform the chest x-rays on site at a time most convenient for the employee health nurses and the employee. We often coordinate these examinations to coincide with new employee orientation so that the facility can have immediate results and proceed with the orientation process without undue delays.
PPX will work directly with your occupational health nurses to design a program for employee chest x-rays that best meet their needs. For example, we can create a separate billing procedure for employee chest x-rays so that these charges are kept separate from charges related to exams performed on residents. We can provide the nurses with online access to all the employee chest x-ray images and reports.
We have also developed a simple payment process option so that employee chest x-rays can be paid directly using any major credit card. This option is widely used by some of our clients.
Overall benefits:
- Reduced cost to the facilities for employee health programs
- Timely results
- Permanent, online records of test results
- Easy payment options
- Invoiced separately and not part of the traditional nursing home billing for residents.
- Budget-friendly