PPX Leadership Team
SUE MCNAMEE - Founder, Owner, President and CEO.
Sue has owned and operated Professional Portable X-ray, Inc. since 1989, managing the delivery of portable diagnostic imaging services to the long term care industry in Minnesota while nurturing and developing partnerships. Sue is a licensed Radiologic Technologist and has prior experience as the supervisor in the department of cardiovascular and interventional radiology at the University of Minnesota Hospitals and Clinics, where she also worked as a Neuro/CT technologist. Sue was also a CT Technologist at the Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology. Professional Affiliations: American Registry of Radiologic Technology, American Society of Radiologic Technology, National Association of Portable X-ray Providers, Aging Services of Minnesota, Care Providers of Minnesota, Minnesota Hospital Association.

MIKE MCNAMEE - Chief Technology Officer and Co-Owner
Mike has been instrumental in designing, developing, implementing and maintaining diagnostic equipment and web-based systems that has revolutionized the way the industry is delivering portable diagnostic services nationwide. Trained as a Field Engineer for an industrial equipment provider in Minnesota, he has 22 years of hands-on experience with technology installation, maintenance and service in North America, England, Italy, Japan and China. At PPX he has installed Digital Radiography (DR) detectors and adapted them to sophisticated mobile X-ray generators. He has implemented a Picture Archive and Communication Systems (PACS) to store X-rays, ultrasound, and ECG images, and created data interfaces with a variety of hospitals and health care systems.

GAUTE SANDBERG - Executive Vice President
Gaute has been in the long term care industry since 2003 and in the health care industry since 1989. Prior to joining PPX in 2010, he was responsible for the day-to-day operation of the portable x-ray division at DMS Imaging, Inc. for several years. Gaute has worked as a consultant, project leader and operations manager. He has been instrumental in designing analytical tools and systems, and he has been training corporate teams in performance improvement methodologies in the U.S. and Europe. Gaute has prior experience as a market researcher, and worked for 11 years for an international health care consulting company. Born and raised in Norway, Mr. Sandberg received his degree in Business Administration from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota.

OWEN SCHUNK - Director of Operations
Since joining PPX in 2008, Owen has been instrumental in developing efficient systems, processes and procedures that have enabled PPX to enhance performance and improve customer service. He is managing the day-to-day operations and he is maintaining and developing strong customer relationships. With a unique blend of technical expertise, attention to detail, customer orientation, and unbridled enthusiasm, he has helped transform the business into a world-class operation. Owen’s prior management and customer service experience in the hospitality business and the retail industry has infused a valuable dimension of client service into our medical practice, and his passion for excellence is contagious. Owen was educated at the Minnesota School of Business and has received several awards for top salesmanship and service support.